Rebecca Raue in 'Kunst braucht Fläche' am Berliner Alexanderplatz
Rebecca Raues works are on view near Alexanderplatz at Janoowitzbrücke; Stralauer/ corner of Alexanderstraße
Kunst braucht Fläche
From July 27th until August 11th 2013, several of selected urban advertising spaces in the inner Berlin city centre will be open for Berlin-based artists to show their work.
AV Tour is a Berlin based company specialized in cultural advertisement. Several of selected urban advertisement spaces (such as billboards, city banners, and columns in various sizes) in the inner Berlin city centre, will be open for Berlin based artists to show their work. The project is of a non commercial nature, and it's purpose it to give a platform for young artists to present their work to a wider public as an integrated part of the urban environment.