Niq Nanu Daah’s poetic oeuvre oscillates between abstraction and representation, between past and future, between dream and reality. Her technique is extraordinary, she works in acrylic on paper, but the artworks seem like collages. Different image levels exist, interlocking, different styles that combine to form an exceptional whole. The image subject is always only hinted at, never fully formulated and has a surreal enigmatic appeal. Among abstract-expressive layers of color, sculptural objects arise, figures and animals which appear to come from past times and different countries.
In Dadaist-cubist style, Niq Nanu Daah creates a dream-like atmosphere, playing with inscriptions, symbols and signs. Often these are fragments from ancient Asian mythology which in their ‘haptic’ manner fight their way through translucent layers of paint to the surface. Her works give the impression of pieces of hidden identities whose mystery captures us. We try to fathom, penetrate their depths, looking for the "picture behind the picture" and maybe for a piece of ourselves.